CHEAP,Discount,Buy,Sale,Bestsellers,Good,For,REVIEW, TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz)MBi Nutraceuticals,Wholesale,Promotions,Shopping,Shipping,TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz)MBi Nutraceuticals,BestSelling,Off,Savings,Gifts,Cool,Hot,Top,Sellers,Overview,Specifications,Feature,on sale,TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz)MBi Nutraceuticals TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz)MBi Nutraceuticals
TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz) Overview
Homeopathic Drops for Pollen Allergies from Trees
TREE ANTIGEN (1 oz) Feature
- Homeopathic liquid formula used to lessen allergic reactions to various types of trees.
- Oral use suggested whenever skin, eyes, nose, and throat irritations occur such as burning, itching, and stinging.
- Our homeopathic liquid antigen drops reduce the sensitivity of the body to airborne antigens.
- Recommended for allergy or allergic reaction to acacia, bay, birch, cedar, cottonwood, cypress, eastern oak, elm, eucalyptus, fig, fir, hemlock, hichory, junniper, lilac, magnolia, maple.
- Also recommended for allergy or allergic reactions to mulberry, oleander, pepper, pine, redwood, spruce, sycamore, tulip, western oak or willow.